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Jr. Software Developer
June, 2023 - Present
Software TestingWeb DevelopmentResearch and Development

As a Jr. software developer at Siemens, I am actively engaged in various projects. My roles range from testing software for the Sinec Security Monitor (SSM), a network security monitoring tool, to serving as a full stack developer, enhancing and maintaining a dashboard used by our clients.

In addition to my usual responsibilities, Siemens strongly encourages continuous learning to stay up to date with current trends and technologies. They provide a dedicated platform where all employees can access learning materials that are not only related to our current roles but also covering a variety of other topics that captures our interest.

UNB Logo
Teaching Assistant
Sept, 2022 - Dec, 2022
PythonInterpersonal CommunicationProblem Solving

As a teaching assistant, my duties included being a lab assistant during lab hours and answering students' questions while they worked on their assignments. Additionally, I held extra office hours outside of lab sessions to assist students who needed more time to complete their assignments and had unresolved questions.

Through this role, I was able to sharpen my communication skills and expand my knowledge in Python. This experience gave me a diverse set of skills applicable in various roles, which I am excited to bring to a new position and continue my professional development!

UNB Logo
Software Developer
May, 2022 - Dec, 2022
PythonCommunication SkillsJava Swing

As the sole full stack developer for this project, I was involved in various software development projects for the Department of Electrical and computer Engineering at UNB. I attended regular remote and in-person team meetings with the stakeholders to provide updates on my progress and addressed any issues.

I developed two department-wide autoamted tools that is used for acedemic advising and for the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) accreditation purposes respectively. Both tools were developed with the same langauges - Java Swing library and Python. I designed and implemented flexible, maintainable solutions that could adapt to their evolving needs.

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Research Assistant
May, 2021 - Dec, 2022
COMSOLCommunication SkillsContinuous Learning

My main responsibilities in the Department of Chemistry was learning how to use a newly acquired multiphysics simulation software - COMSOL, and running simulations for the experiments of the other graduate students to generate images that can be included in their papers. I worked closely with Dr. Ignaszak research group and their students, as well as teaching them on how to use it as well.

Additionally, I was also responsible for troubleshooting any computer related problems that arised in the lab and attended weekly meetings to report on my progress. I take pride in contrubuting to the advancement of research in that department, and I am constantly developing my skills to provide better service!

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Student Consultant
Jan, 2020 - Apr, 2020
Technical ProficiencyProblem SolvingSystem Configuration

In my position within the ITS team, I undertook various tasks to ensure the seamless functioning of computer systems. My primary duty involves maintaining and troubleshooting lab printers to ensure their constant operability.

I also handled system repairs, conducted diagnostic tests to resolve issues, and carried out flush and fill operations on repaired systems.

Furthermore, I assisted faculty and staff by setting up new systems they acquired, ensuring they are user-ready by configuring the necessary software and settings.

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Residence Assistant
Sept, 2019 - Sept, 2020
Technical ProficiencyProblem SolvingSystem Configuration

As a Residence Assistant (RA) at UNB, I supported and guided resident students, fostering a safe, inclusive, and engaging community. My duties included enforcing rules, addressing conflicts, and handling emergencies.

I also planed and executed social and educational programs that enhanced community bonding and personal developments.

I maintained an empathetic demeanor, offered guidance and resources, and collaborated with residence staff and university personnel to ensure smooth operations and an optimal living experience for all.